Denpasar (ANTARA News) - Tens of Balinese artists staged a demonstration here Saturday protesting a Malaysian tourism advertisement suggesting the Balinese "pendet" dance was part af indigenous Malaysian culture. The artist crowd in front of Denpasar`s Cultural Park on Saturday was led by Prof Wayan Dibia MA of the Indonesian Institute of Arts.
During the rally , Wayan Dibia presented a written statement expressing the Balinese artists` sentiments to Ida Ayu Agung Mas, a member of the Regional Representatives Council.
The welcome dance performed by women in Balinese costume appeared in a "Visit Malaysia Year" advertisement that was broadcast many times. Dibia said the dance was a cultural heritage of the Balinese people.
"Based upon our observation, the dancers shown in the Malaysian ad were in fact two graduates from the Indonesian Institute of Arts in Denpasar, named Lusia and Wiwik. The picture was taken by Bali Record two or three years ago," he said.
Therefore, he called on the government to make an inventory of all artistic products and patent them so that they would not be easily claimed by other countries.
"The pendet dance is part of our cultural heritage that show artistic values and cultural symbols that are exclusively part of Hindu-Bali cultural traditions," he said.
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